Holding Hands
Your dedicated SocialPal, who listens you and guides when you need it.
You may have many friends on Facebook or Insta, but when you get laid off or have personal problems. Whom you can rely on ? Henceforth we give you a live person who acts as your friend or coach, can guide you when you need it most.
Our Services
Feel Good
# includes two 15 mins phone calls
Positive vibes
# includes four, 15 min calls monthly
# Positive vibes call
# motivational calls
Champion vibes
# 2 incoming calls per week.
# 1 video call per week.
# Career guidance
# Story teller
# Life coaching
James had good job and family, but got laidoff. He started feeling depressed and low in energy. Found no one to talk to. Then he bought Positive vibes package, which brought him back on track. With positivity he found new job and got life on Track.
Tony is successful businessman, but now he is in 60s. He lack friends. His Wife also died recently. He was all alone and no one to talk to.He bought Champion vibes package. Now he has a SocialPal, who calls him and checks on his daily life and about his health. Tells him good stories and listens to his stories. Now Tony feels better in day to day life.